Locating your Engraving Panel Map archive

Modified on Fri, 09 Jun 2023 at 03:19 PM

The Heart of Steel is located at Meadowhall Shopping Centre in Rotherham on ‘Park Lane’. To find a shopping centre map and information on how to get to Meadowhall visit the site below:


Once your requested name has been engraved on the Heart you will receive a confirmation email which will include the location of your engraving on the Heart, including panel number, column and row. 

There is also a screen available at the Heart to help locate where on the Heart your engraving is. To use the screen:

  1. Tap on the centre of the heart
  2. Type your engraving name in using the on screen keyboard that pops up
  3. If the system finds your name it will appear on a list on the screen (in columns next to the heart)
  4. Tap on your name, it will fill the search box in the top middle
  5. Hit the search button and it will show location by highlighting the panel and telling you the column number

Find also below a map of the sculpture itself to help locate your engraving:


Right Hand Side:


Left Hand Side:

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