Legacy Payments

Modified on Tue, 22 Nov 2022 at 02:50 PM

When making a legacy payment please email legaciesadmin@bhf.org.uk and provide the following details:

  • The full name and title of the deceased
  • Their last address - this also allows us to prevent any further mailings, as we know this can be distressing
  • The date of death
  • The Executor's name and contact details
  • A copy of the Will
  • Any information about the reason for the legacy

The Legacy management Team are working remotely so please do not send any correspondence or cheque payments to our Head Office at Greater London House.

Then please send any payments by bank transfer to the following account:

Account name: British Heart Foundation No. 2 Account

Account number: 20357405

Sort code: 20-03-53

Bank address: Barclays Bank Plc, 1 Churchill Place, London, E14 5HP

Please use reference - "Legacies - [Surname of Deceased]" so as to assist our Finance Department in identifying the payment.

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